A Ten-Day Immersion Program

August 20-30, 2025*

In Person on Maui and Online/On-Demand

* If this program fills up, we may offer the additional dates of July 30-Aug 9. (See "Options" below.)

 Join Swami Khecaranatha on a Deep Immersion into the Exalted Practice of Kuṇḍalinī Sādhana.

May Kuṇḍalinī, the power which manifests the universe, bestow on you the floods of her cosmic joy, flashing up from her source, one with the vast and sublime illumination perceived in her radiance, causing the six cakras to vibrate, arousing in awareness the sweet resonance produced by her passage, imparting satiation as she attains union with the Lord in the thousand-petalled lotus, stable [yet] pervading the universe.
from the Tantraloka
(Translation by Alexis Sanderson)

In this 10-day program, Nathaji will be presenting his most in-depth teaching on Kuṇḍalinī, within the structure of the View, the Sādhana, and the Lived Expression of nondual practice. Throughout the immersion, he will be transmitting the highest wisdom-teachings of these Śaiva/Śakta traditions, which includes a series of practices that allow you to deeply absorb the liberating force of kuṇḍalinī. For those who wish to participate, Nathaji will also be offering an initiation with havan/puja/mantra to the Goddess Kuṇḍalinī.

As the program unfolds, Nathaji is adept at recognizing and adapting to the energy and needs of the group, ensuring a personalized experience that deepens your inner realization of awakening. While each day in the immersion is unique, throughout the program we will delve into a rich variety of topics from the Tantric philosophies and engage in energy body practices that cultivate greater awareness and a deeper intimacy with unfolding higher consciousness. We will also explore the practice of mantra and dive into some textual study, allowing these profound teachings to illuminate and deepen our practice.

This immersion will allow you to connect with a community of participants and foster meaningful relationships that allow you to build a supportive network for your ongoing journey.

Swami Khecaranatha (Nathaji)

With a mastery etched from over five decades of disciplined inner practice and selfless service, Khecaranatha is an authentic adept in the Śakti Transmission Lineage of Bhagavan Nityananda and Swami Rudrananda. 

Nathaji teaches from his personal experience and revelations. His study of the richness and wisdom of ancient tantric scripture provides a means to articulate the teachings of his lineage within the larger context of these powerful nondual traditions — while emphasizing the essence of his teaching, which is to empower students to discover their own innate divinity.

To read Nathaji's bio, click here.

About Kuṇḍalinī Sādhana and Nathaji's practice

— By the late Mark Dyczkowski, Ph.D. (authentic practitioner and scholar of wisdom-teachings)

The practice of Kuṇḍalinī Yoga explores Kuṇḍalinī energy (Śakti), and develops the awareness of this energy to such a point that it may be grasped not only as the power of the individual self, but also as the fundamental power of the infinite Self, the Source of everything. Kuṇḍalinī is the energy of life, or the Divine, as it is experienced in the individual. It is the energy and power of Consciousness, the vital force that gives life to the universe. We are not separate from or different from that Source. The formless, quiescent, supreme Śiva’s power of will, in the form known as kuṇḍalinī is the primordial resonance or vibration expressing all manifestation and the individual.

In Nathaji’s teaching he offers us a systematic guide to the practice of Kuṇḍalinī Sādhana. We learn how to develop the flow that awakens the living force of Kuṇḍalinī through the suṣumṇa, the vital axis of the subtle body. The configurations of the dynamic constitute both the substance and essence of the living being. Experiencing the power of this flow by regular practice, we are blessed with the gift of life. This is the Grace of Presence, namely, “the Goddess as pure light which he emanates and creates from within the suṣumṇa and creates you.”

The Tantric traditions that focus on the worship of Goddess Kundalini considered to be the most secret and elevated, teach this higher form of initiation. It is called “Initiation by Piercing.” Awakening the reflective awareness of this process by an intense descent of empowering grace—śaktipāta—the initiate experiences the Goddess Kuṇḍalinī rising through the cakras, piercing through them as She goes.

Ideally, this is supported by the gracious look of the teacher, or by a touch, or just a thought. The direct awakening of Kuṇḍalinī in the Initiation by Piercing is the higher initiation and is considered to be the most excellent. This form of higher initiation is the essence of the practice taught by Swami Khecaranatha.

This form of higher initiation is the essence of the practice taught by Swami Khecaranatha. He has attained, through the transmission of his teachers and a lifetime of practice and personal experience, a deep understanding of Saiva Tantra. Thus, he summates, in his realization and teachings, what was considered by the Kashmiri Shaivites to be the most elevated teachings of all the Tantric schools.

A Ten-Day Immersion Program on Maui

(and online/on-demand)

August 20-30, 2025

In-Person space is limited. Apply early!

In-Person Options

Spend time with Nathaji in an intimate setting on the beautiful island of Maui - at Nityakash, our retreat center.

1) In-Residence


Double-occupancy, includes program, food, transportation to/from airport, and a car for group outings mid-week. All participants do seva projects - general housekeeping, meal cleanup, and working on the property.

A $500 nonrefundable deposit will hold your spot.

Once your reservation is confirmed, you will receive an invoice from Sacred Space Yoga Sanctuary for the balance - which is due in full by August 1.


2) Off-Campus


You reserve your own housing and rent a car.

The deposit for this option is $400 and you will receive an invoice from Sacred Space Yoga Sanctuary for the balance - which is also due by August 1.


Both of the above options include a printed workbook and online access to the full program for reviewing on-demand.

July 30 - August 9 Dates -

If you would like to be notified if this possibility arises, please email [email protected] and we'll keep you posted.

In Residence

$500 deposit

Enroll Now


$400 deposit

Enroll Now

Live-Streaming/On-Demand Option


 Includes on-demand access to the immersion, plus downloadable workbooks & guided meditations. 

Enroll Now

Daily Program Schedule - Hawaii Time:

Arrival day - Weds, Aug 20
5:00 pm orientation, 6:00 pm class.

Thursday 21st - Friday 29th*
9 am - Noon — morning program
12:30 - 2:00 — lunch
2- 5 pm — free time/seva
6 pm — open-eye class
8:30 - 9 pm — meditation

*Monday 25th: morning program only