I invite you to join me on a Journey into the Already Awakened Heart
— Swami Khecaranatha

October 12, 2023 - April 2024

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Program Overview:

Spiritual practice is the search for ourself in the Heart of the Divine and the discovery of the Divine in our own hearts.

This five-module course offers an in-depth journey into the Heart of Consciousness through Kuṇḍalinī Sādhana. We will explore the darśana (view) of nondual tradition, the nature of kuṇḍalinī and the role it plays in one’s liberation, and how the upāyas (means of practice) provide a framework for understanding how our spiritual growth becomes a living expression.

Swami Khecaranatha (Nathaji)

With a mastery etched from over five decades of disciplined inner practice and selfless service, Khecaranatha is an authentic adept in the Śakti Transmission Lineage of Bhagavan Nityananda and Swami Rudrananda. 

Nathaji teaches from his personal experience and revelations. His study of the richness and wisdom of ancient tantric scripture provides a means to articulate the teachings of his lineage within the larger context of these powerful nondual traditions — while emphasizing the essence of his teaching, which is to empower students to discover their own innate divinity.

To read Nathaji's bio, click here.

 What you receive:

  • Five Online Modules: A series of recorded lessons (each about twenty minutes), plus workbooks, community interaction, and meditations. Each module also has a period of practice incorporated into the sequence.
       ~ The weekly schedule for the program will be available to all registered participants.
  • Ongoing Interactive Sessions: Opportunity for engagement with a community of practitioners.
       ~ A 60-90 minute zoom session about every other week with Swami Khecaranatha
       ~ Small group discussion led by experienced practitioners on alternate weeks.
       ~ View the full weekly schedule here.
  •  Guided Meditations: Three additional guided meditations for Modules 2, 3, 4. 
  • Reading Assignments and Learning Lessons: Designed for deeper insight and understanding.
  • Immersion: A 1-2 week immersion at Nityakash, our center on Maui. On-demand (with an option to upgrade to in-person).

You are also invited to become a Yogin Member of HoC, which gives you access to Nathaji's Tu/Th night open-eye śakti transmission classes (live-streamed/on demand), a weekly "Reflection," and his bi-monthly blog.

Program Investment:

The full value of this program is $2,000 – available to you for $1,100, (with a one-time payment), or $1,200 (with 5 installment payments of $240).

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Program Overview:

Introductory Module

A Nondual View of the Secret

Sept 24 - Free Half-Day Retreat, in-person (on Maui) and live-streaming
On-demand from Sept 25-Oct 22

This retreat will explore why our heart is the portal into God's Heart and how we can find that connection through the upāyas/means of our sādhana. Nathaji will discuss the key precepts of the view nondual Śaiva Tantra and explain how our sādhana brings those truths into our everyday living expression.

  • Participating with Nathaji and the community of practitioners will provide you with an important launching point for your personal practice and inquiry into the nature of authentic spiritual growth.

Watch the Free Retreat

Understanding the Journey

A Caravan Into the Heart

This interactive workbook introduces to the Journey into the Already Awakened Heart (JAAH) course, the teachings, the teacher, and the community. It will give you a flavor of how the course will be presented, and provides an interactive means for getting help.

  • Available to those who sign up for the Sept 24 retreat or the full JAAH program.

  • If you have any questions, contact [email protected]
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Module One: Hṛdayopāya - Sādhana of The Heart

Oct 12-22

It is possible to achieve spiritual liberation. The upāyas are the means (spiritual practices) to that freedom, with multiple levels of practice from ritual to the highest, most refined meditations, giving us the capacity to transform our experience by focusing our consciousness. We ultimately uncover our Divine nature.

  • Nathaji will discuss with you the progression of our spiritual practices as we move through the phases of the transition from living in dualistic consciousness into the permanent experience of Unity. 

Module Two: Āṇavopāya — Living in an Open Heart

The Path of Individual Effort

Oct 23-Dec 14, 2024 (with a final Q&A on Jan 14)

Most people begin their spiritual journey in āṇavopāya, the path of individual effort — and it is foundational. Fundamental to āṇavopāya is the effort of learning to open our heart and keep it open, regardless of the mental and worldly difficulties we face.

  • You will learn the importance of meditation, selflessly serving, and developing a disciplined inner practice that enables you to integrate a higher awareness into daily life. Throughout āṇavopāya, we work to let go of our need to control life, and we surrender the limited parts of us that keep us locked in our tensions and misunderstanding.
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Module Three: Śāktopāya: Surrender Into the Heart

The Path of Energy & Insight

Jan 15-Feb 25, 2024

Kuṇḍalinī śakti is the individuated expression of the Divine, and this vital force is like a river of liquid light that flows in us all. By surrendering to this energy, we are led back to its source, which is supreme Consciousness, known in our tradition as Śiva.

  • Through our disciplined practice we become one with śakti, the energy of the mind is consumed, and we are filled with the knowledge who we really are. We begin to have an awareness that we are not separate from our source, Pure Awareness.

Module Four: Śāmbhavopāya: Reside in the Heart

The Path of Awareness & Supreme Will

Feb 26-April 7, 2024

As our practice matures — through āṇavopāya and śāktopāya — we enter into the path of awareness called śāmbhavopāya. This is the direct recognition of Śiva Consciousness as our true essence. We are pervaded by Śiva and know ourselves to be in union with the Divine.

  • The awakening and blossoming of knowing ourselves as that highest Consciousness gives us the direct experience of the Joy of Being. In the recognition of our highest Self we become the living expression of that truth in every moment and all of the activities of our lives. 
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Module Five: The Heart of Recognition

Hawaii Immersion: On-demand video recordings included with this program (normal cost, $450) — with the option of adding in-person attendance.
May 6-15, 2024
(Live Presentation if sufficient in-person enrollment)
May 6-26, 2024
Videos on-demand, plus full-day Q&A on May 26 (live and recorded)

Longer periods of deep immersion into practice significantly shift our experience by reaching into the depths of our awareness. Setting aside the activities, distractions, and pressures of daily life, and engaging the in-depth teachings and transmissions available in the immersions brings about insight and revelation that we can incorporate into our daily lives.

In-person attendance $1,800 (off-campus, $1,200)

For more information, click here

What students are saying about Swami Khecaranatha's programs:
