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Dimensions of the Central Channel – Part 1

Uncategorized Feb 13, 2025

There are four dimensions of the central channel, each nested inside the other like a telescoping antenna. The outer sheath is the Suṣumṇa Nāḍī (the grossest channel, which goes from the base of the spine to the ajna cakra), next is the Vajra Nāḍī (from the base of the spine to the center of the head), then the Citriṇī Nāḍī (from the base of the spine to the crown). These three are all pathways for Śakti, or energy. The fourth and subtlest dimension is the Brahmanāḍī, which I call the Divine Thread.          

The Divine Thread is the rising light of pure Consciousness. It expresses Itself as the Citriṇī, Vajra, and the Suṣumṇa, as well as the Iḍā and the Piṅgala (the nāḍīs that are our mental, emotional, and physical self). The Brahmanāḍī extends to the space approximately twelve fingers above the head, to a space called dvādaśānta. This is the abode of Parā, the dwelling place of the powers of Consciousness that are will, knowledge, and action. Those powers express everything in creation, as an outpouring of ānanda, the innate joy of Consciousness. It also expresses as us, as the individuated expression of Itself. 

Cultivating Consciousness

As we cultivate the subtlety of consciousness within us, we feel these dimensions of the central channel and can open inside them so that our awareness of them is crystal clear. All these dimensions of our true Self are expressed and revealed as we enter that central pathway and recognize ourselves as pure Consciousness. The Brahmanāḍī, the channel of pure light, extends from a place below the muladhara to dvādaśānta. This space below the muladhara is like a secret doorway that we uncover as we become one with the Śakti that is creating and sustaining us. This leads us to the source of Śakti, which is Consciousness. 

When the central channel has been purified enough, we can discover, connect, and be established in this pure essence of our Self. Parā, who exists within the cosmic doorway of dvādśānta, is referred to as the Goddess Kuṇḍalinī. She is also located in the deepest cavern of our psychic body, which is sometimes described as being dormant in the base of the spine. What is dormant is our awareness that we even have the Goddess living inside of us!

Who is Freeing Whom?        

Although it feels as though the Goddess Kuṇḍalinī is freeing us, when viewed from a higher perspective, we realize She is freeing Herself from us, Her own self-imposed limitation. This freedom is both an internal dynamic and an external expression. It is crucial to maintain the consistency of an ever-deepening inner practice — and that means sitting down on your cushion and penetrating through all the mental and emotional turmoil and drama you may be experiencing. This is the starting point for contact with our energetic nature, which is found in the central channel. Then, as we establish ourselves there and get quieter, we begin to surrender deeper, open more, and discover that which is revealing itself.

Once we have refined our capacity to live in the central channel, we must express that inner awareness as we engage the world. We call that flow. We not only extend from our center and connect to the dynamics of our life, but we also internalize the energy of life and channel it back inside, into the deeper parts of ourselves. This is what strengthens vertical flow, which creates the pathway for Parā to rise back to Her source in dvādaśānta. This energetic opening is being created by the energy itself.

When Parā Śakti fully ascends, She is unimpeded by any of the chakras, drama, or limitations — any of the struggle created by self-serving identity. She simply rises because She is heading back home to Śiva, who is Consciousness. Śiva and Śakti are never separate, so as we become more established in subtler energy, a finer and finer consciousness reveals itself and rises to dvādaśānta. 

Drawing Energy Inward and Returning Home

In our sādhana — both on the cushion and during our day — as our energy turns back in on itself, it’s creating a vacuum, which draws that force inward, creating a deeper opening. As that opening becomes more powerful, it clears the pathway for more energy to rise. Śakti not only rises but extends out the top of the head and then circles outward and back down to reenter the secret doorway below the base of the spine.

We can also understand that as we turn back inside and the spiritual heart and the suṣumṇa begin to open, there is an internalizing of our prāṇa, our life force. This energetic substance usually just leaks out of our psychic body as we project it outward and get lost in our mind, emotions, and tensions. That energy must be consciously internalized. Then, as we draw this vital force up and direct it into the central channel, we discover those subtler, more refined dimensions of śakti and Consciousness.

Uncovering the subtler channels of the psychic body is a vital aspect of our practice. It doesn’t matter how long it takes us to cultivate this capacity for finer perception. What is important is that it takes place; that we have the diligence and devotion of sādhana to stay focused on the discovery. God has offered us freedom. Who are we to deny God?


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