Heart of Consciousness Calendar of Events
Taught by Swami Khecaranatha
(additional teachers for some programs)

Surrender: The Offering into the Temple of God's Heart
SF Bay Area: 3 Day Retreat - June 6-8, 2025
In person in Richmond, CA and live-streaming/on-demand.
Surrender is the joyous offering of ourselves into the unbounded Presence of the Divine.
In this powerful retreat Swami Khecaranatha will guide you through practices and insights that will bring you into the depths of your own heart. He will elaborate on the unfolding stages of surrender into the dimensions of love, joy, and freedom—the ever-present essence and resonance of Presence. Pure Consciousness is love that surrenders Itself, illuminating the freedom wherein the bliss of Consciousness and freedom is accessed.
More Info/Registration
Maui Immersion
August 20-30, 2025
In Person and Online/On-Demand
Join Swami Khecaranatha on a deep immersion into the exalted practice of Kuṇḍalinī Sādhana.
May Kuṇḍalinī, the power which manifests the universe, bestow on you the floods of her cosmic joy, flashing up from her source, one with the vast and sublime illumination perceived in her radiance, causing the six cakras to vibrate, arousing in awareness the sweet resonance produced by her passage, imparting satiation as she attains union with the Lord in the thousand-petalled lotus, stable [yet] pervading the universe. —Tantraloka
(Translation by Alexis Sanderson)
In this 10-day program, Nathaji will be presenting his most in-depth teaching on Kuṇḍalinī, within the structure of the View, the Sādhana, and the Lived Expression of nondual practice. Throughout the immersion, he will be transmitting the highest wisdom-teachings of these Śaiva/Śakta traditions, which includes a series of practices that allow you to deeply absorb the liberating force of kuṇḍalinī. For those who wish to participate, Nathaji will also be offering an initiation with havan/puja/mantra to the Goddess Kuṇḍalinī.
More Info/RegistrationOther Opportunities for Engagement
Take up Residence in the Heart
Throughout history, people seeking a deeper spiritual life have gone on journeys to holy sites to immerse themselves in a place of refuge. Setting aside the activities, distractions, and pressures of daily life and engaging in longer periods of daily sādhana has long been a key component of reaching into the depths of one’s awareness.
It would be particularly beneficial to combine an extended stay with one of the immersions held throughout the year. You can come early or stay on afterwards for several weeks.
We are also looking for people who would like to stay at least 3-6 months, but the minimum period is 1 month. Read more...
Ācārya Training & Initiation
A lineage is an unbroken transmission of a living spiritual force that is passed from heart to heart. The role of the teacher is two-fold: to awaken the creative power of Life already present within each person, and to support that person as this power unfolds. This responsibility cannot be taken lightly. While it is a great honor to teach, it is really a life of work, sacrifice, and surrender. Read more…