I invite you to join me on this Pilgrimage into Nityananda's Heart. Swami Khecaranatha (Nathaji)

January 8-22, 2025   Ganeshpuri, India

(This immersion will not be live-streamed.)

Spend two weeks with Nathaji in Ganeshpuri, India - the sacred abode of the Presence of Bhagavan Nityananda.

Those who have been in Ganeshpuri experience that Nityananda's energy is very alive there.
Discover the power of spending extended time with Swami Khecaranatha in the company of like-minded spiritual aspirants.

Swami Khecaranatha (Nathaji)

With a mastery etched from over five decades of disciplined inner practice and selfless service, Khecaranatha is an authentic adept in the Śakti Transmission Lineage of Bhagavan Nityananda and Swami Rudrananda. 

Nathaji teaches from his personal experience and revelations. His study of the richness and wisdom of ancient tantric scripture provides a means to articulate the teachings of his lineage within the larger context of these powerful nondual traditions — while emphasizing the essence of his teaching, which is to empower students to discover their own innate divinity.

To read Nathaji's bio, click here.

Swami Khecaranatha will share the grace of the Saṃpradāya/Lineage of Bhagavan Nityananda.

Nathaji will elaborate on the teachings of Nityananda, inspired by the Nitya Sutras (the teachings of Bhagavan Nityananda), and will articulate how the teachings of this modern day mahāsiddha profoundly express the nondual wisdom of the ancient Śaiva Tantra tradition.

We will fully explore how Nityananda’s presence was an embodiment of the truths of nonduality and dive deeply into the means and practices that allow those truths to become the lived expression in our own lives. The entire immersion will be a transmission of the presence of Nityananda as we bask in the Sky of the Heart. As he said, The Heart is the most sacred of all places, go there and roam.


Initiation Ceremony

Nathaji will lead an ceremony of initiation into the lineage for anyone who chooses to participate. This will provide a sacred portal to enter into the unbounded space of the heart where the receiving of the grace of Nityananda, and through him the Grace of God, is perpetually available.

The Sanskrit word for vow is vrata, derived from the verbal root vrn, “to choose.” The purpose of taking vows is to express conscious choice. It is your declaration of intention, the commitment that opens you so that you can receive the Grace of lineage. Taking vows is openly declaring what you hold as sacred. By taking vows you commit to freedom, a commitment that frees you to become a new you— your true Self.



Christopher Wallis, one of the most important scholar/practitioners of our time, and who is deeply connected to and influenced by the Nityananda lineage, stated, "Nathaji is a key figure in the revival of Śaiva Tantra in the 21st century and he teaches from an experiential point of view, which is ultimately more valuable than the intellectual point of view."

Program Cost


Includes program, room and board, transportation to/from Mumbai.

(Does not include airfare, any hotel stay in Mumbai, or local taxi in Ganeshpuri)

A $500 nonrefundable deposit will hold your spot - due by October 1.

Once your reservation is confirmed, you will receive an invoice from Sacred Space Yoga Sanctuary for the balance - due in full by December 15.

 (Vira member discount will be reflected in the balance due amount.)

Sign Up Now: $500 Deposit


Initiation Ceremony


For those who wish to participate in the ceremony, we're asking for a gratuity to cover the expenses of performing the ceremony (decorations, offerings, and pujaris).

If you are unsure if you wish to participate, you can make this additional payment at a later time - even after you are in Ganeshpuri.

Contribute $200 Now

Option: Reserve my spot - I will make my deposit by October 1

I understand that space is limited, and priority will be given to those who have made a deposit.

Visits to Sacred Sites

Would you like to watch a half-hour movie about Nityananda?

Click to View

What students are saying about Swami Khecaranatha's programs. . .